Distinguished Engagements

April Showers in May

Seems Spring is Flying by and we are rapidly heading toward THE HEAT OF SUMMER! DE is getting the gardens in and ready for our summer Customized menus. One of the things we love most about this time of year is the graduation celebrations from all the school platforms! College- springboarding the 20 somethings into careers– to the Highschools gearing the young adults for their big choices of trades, college and just life in general- then all the way to those precious preschoolers heading on to the school bus for kindergarten- So much excitement and change! WE at DE love to serve through all these spring changes in to the high heat of life! Thank you all who have allowed us to serve- and those looking for a team to love and serve during your life seasons we are here!

With all our Best,

Theresa Ruffo-Swanson( proprietor and owner)